$1.5 Trillion Farm Bill Battle Could Leave Americans Going Hungry and the Climate Worse Off

The Farm Bill’s reauthorization has been paused as lawmakers debate environmental regulations and funding priorities. Not passing this bill or potential budget cuts to the SNAP program and climate initiatives could affect the lives of farmers and low-income Americans. The Farm Bill The Farm Bill’s high budget is currently on pause. This important legislation covers agricultural and food programs, but …

Florida’s Climate Crisis: A Backward Slide Despite Extreme Weather Effect

Are you worried about how Florida is handling climate change? You should be. Despite being one of the most vulnerable states to climate impacts, recent actions suggest Florida is taking steps backward. Here’s why. 1. Overhaul of State Energy Laws Florida lawmakers are moving to eliminate references to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from state energy laws. This includes banning offshore …

America Should Ban Fireworks Once and For All

Fireworks are a staple of American celebrations, particularly around the Fourth of July. However, the dangers and negative impacts far outweigh the fleeting moments of spectacle. Here’s why America should consider banning fireworks: 1. Injury Risks Each year, fireworks cause thousands of injuries, many of them severe. In 2020, there were an estimated 15,600 emergency department-treated injuries related to fireworks …

New Study Reveals Some Myths About America’s Housing Shortage

A new study looking into housing in the U.S. has many people convinced that the housing shortage might not be real. Let’s take a look at their findings. The Housing Myth Busted? A recent study published in Housing Policy Debate has allegedly busted open the “myth” of the housing shortage and found between 2000 and 2020, America had more homes …

Negative Nelly: Bill Gates Is ADAMANT About America’s Climate Change Target

However, he is much more positive about AI helping countries use less energy.    Embracing AI  According to Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and one of the world’s top individual investors in climate tech, AI should be seen as a help instead of a hindrance in hitting climate targets.  Gates broke ground this month on the US’ first next-generation nuclear power plant …

Eco Rebels: Millennials Redefining Sustainability in 25 Bold Ways

Millennials are at the forefront of the environmental movement, redefining what it means to live sustainably. Here are 25 innovative ways they’re changing the game and making eco-friendly living more accessible, practical, and trendy. 1. Preferring Secondhand and Vintage Fashion Instead of buying new, millennials are championing the revival of vintage and secondhand clothing as fashionable and sustainable options. 2. …

21 Reasons America Needs to STOP Buying Oil From Saudi Arabia

Are we compromising our environment and values by depending on Saudi Arabian oil? Here’s why it might be time for the U.S. to rethink this longstanding energy relationship. 1. Boosting National Security Reducing dependence on foreign oil strengthens America’s energy independence, enhancing national security. 2. Advancing Renewable Energy Investing in renewables instead of importing oil can speed up the green …

Earthquake Survival: 21 Essential Tips for Before, During, and After

Earthquakes strike without warning, causing widespread devastation and chaos. To increase your chances of survival, it’s crucial to be prepared and know what to do before, during, and after the shaking begins. Here are 21 essential tips to help you and your loved ones stay safe. 1. Create an Emergency Kit Assemble an emergency kit with essentials like water, non-perishable …

Is Your State Setting the Standard for Climate Action in the U.S.?

With climate change becoming an increasingly pressing issue, some U.S. states are taking the lead with innovative and ambitious climate policies. Here are 20 states making significant strides in climate action, detailing how they’re doing it and the key players involved. 1. California California has set a target for 100% clean electricity by 2045 and is actively phasing out gasoline-powered …